
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Introduction Post

Welcome to my new blog A Day Dreamer's Blog, which is a bit different in content from my other blog The Strange case of  a Curious Mind.  My other blog was started when I was (or considered) myself goth and since that is now over I think I would rather it end there and I'm starting a new blog about new things.  You are welcome to look and see but I doubt I'll be posting much on it.

This new blog of mine with feature my photography (not professional), my artwork, and contain things that are alternative, which I consider myself, and I shall write about things that interest me probably.  You never know, I could surprise you.  Also, be aware that I may write about things concerning my faith in God, and so, if that makes you uncomfortable or offends you you were warned.

Okay, honestly I don't know much else of what to say about introducing my blog, or myself, so I guess you'll just have to  come back and see what I post next time.




  1. Hello! I am joining because I know your original blog - I remember it from long ago and I liked that you were a gothy Christian like myself. Though nowadays I don't consider myself goth any more either but I still love a lot of the music and some aspects of the style.

    1. Well, thank you for coming and following me over here too! And that's me as well. I might not consider myself goth, but that doesn't mean I lost the taste in music or the style and aesthetic of goth.
